German as a Second Language

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Welcome to „Selberlesen’s Blog“ (read it by yourself)

These books are specially designed for early readers, either for young children or people who learn German as a second language.

The German Language is usually hard to read, as a lot of specified combinations of letters are spoken differently to single letters, e.g.:
„eu“ is spoken like „o-y“
„ei“ is spoken like „a-y“
„ie“ and „ieh“ are spoken like a stretched „y“
„eh“ due to the „h“ the vocal before is stretched

For this reason the serie „selber lesen“ Stufe A (read it yourself, level A)
avoids words with those combinations of letters.
All sentences are limited to one line.

In this way it is much easier to start reading German fluently.
The early readers enjoy the stories as they really understand what they are reading.

stories from Birgit Sommer, illustrations from Tanja Jacobs
published by CES-Verlag in Heidelberg/Germany

Hallo, wir sind Mara und Timo: Timo ist der große Bruder von Mara. Was erleben Mara und Timo mit Eltern, Großeltern, Hund Linus und Timos Kumpel von Peter?
„Hello, we are Mara and Timo“: Get aquainted to Mara, Timo, their dog Linus as well as family and friends.
ISBN 978-3-933651-30-3

Der Herbst mit Mara und Timo:
Mara und Timo erleben den Herbst vom Kartoffelfest bis Sankt Martin mit Sonne, Wind und Regenwetter.
„The autumn with Mara and Timo“: Mara and Timo do what children like to do within the season autumn.
ISBN 978-3-933651-31-0

Unterwegs mit Mara und Timo: Mara und Timo sind gerne unterwegs: in den Zoo, zur Kirmes oder zum Badesee. Und Timo findet Peters Geburtstag im Museum ganz toll.
„Getting around with Mara and Timo“: The surrounding of Mara’s and Timo’s home as well as some trips.
ISBN 978-3-933651-32-7

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2 Antworten zu German as a Second Language

  1. Pete and Pam schreibt:

    Well done Birgit on your lovely website. We are very impressed.
    Best wishes to your family for Christmas and the New Year 2011.
    Pete and Pam xxx

  2. Shaun Phillips schreibt:

    Fantastic web site, I hadn’t come across before in my searches!
    Carry on the good work!

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